Photo by Voices Now
I’m a software developer, researcher and artist currently heading up tech at unpaired. and collaborating on innovative projects across the globe. I’m a nanotechnology postgrad at Oxford part-time, and previously led the engineering team at Humtap from 2018-22. I love exploring the creative applications of emerging technology, and engaging audiences in unexpected ways.
I’m also a singer and choral director; I co-directed Vox London Collective, arranging, conducting and performing as a bass and beatboxer. I also previously co-directed the University of York's Zamar Gospel Choir and sang bass for the award-winning Roundhouse Choir.
This site mostly contains news and media relating to my creative projects and research initiatives into artificial intelligence/interactive technology more broadly. I’ll share news about consumer-facing products I’ve contributed to on occasion, but this is mostly where you’ll find side projects and experiments.
AI-composed shakuhachi music, human-composed string quartets and interactive art installations all live here.